I am feeling rather apathetic as of late. The semester is wearing on and I am tired. Many fellow students are feeling the same, I know, but I'm not experiencing their apathy, only my listlessness.
Call backs were today for The Summoning of Everyman (aka Everyman). I really enjoyed the movement part of the call backs, but after three hours of call backs I was exhausted. Which may be adding to my listless feelings - I don't know. The company list of 24 (cut from 40) will be up tomorrow morning, so keep your fingers crossed for me.
One bonus to my listless feelings is that I am not stressed out - although I probably will be later - from not doing anything tonight after call backs. Downsides are that it's not relaxing because I have energy, yet, I don't want to do anything. I eat more when I'm restless which sucks, except I discovered tonight that French Silk ice cream is AWESOME. (The Kroger Deluxe Light, specifically.) And I just don't like how I feel when I'm restless. At least I have the where-to-for (oh yeah, getting fancy) to write about my blah-ness.
There are four weeks left in the semester and, as much fun as I have had and as much as I have learned in the last twelve weeks, I am tired and I need a break. I have been going to college for six years and I am tired of academia in general. Let me be clear here: I am tired of academia NOT learning. I hope I never lose my thirst for knowledge. Although I am rather frustrated with the establishment of academia. Argh.
I am looking forward greatly to graduation and the next chapter of my life. But, right now, in this moment all I am looking forward to is a bowl of French Silk Ice Cream and sleeping. And maybe some pepperonis. Yum.
Pepperoni and Ice Cream???? Weirdo! But no, I am tired of academia AND learning. I would love to stop having to cram my brain full of all of this knowledge!!! We need a vacation, a break, a few days without professors assigning anything, any of the above!! And the one stinking homework assignment we have all year in improv we both forget! How terrible is that?
@LabGirl Ew! Pepperonis on ice cream?! No! I ate the pepperonis, drank a glass of milk, had Adam crack my back and THEN I had French Silk Ice Cream.... if you've never had it, you should go to Kroger right now and get some. It is AMAZING. And Kroger is open until midnight - so no excuses!
@LabGirl Also, let's try really hard to remember hats on Monday ok? And we can get together after exams end and celebrate!
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