Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rest Day for the Crazy

Ah, rest day!

It's a great day.  Until recently, I didn't really have an actual planned rest day, I would do a 5K training run on my century training rest day.  Ah, but genius of genius strokes, made me decide that I should, you know, actually rest from my crazy training schedule.  So now I switched to running Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Having a whole day off is glorious!

I get up, make breakfast and head out to my weekly Weight Watchers meeting.  I weigh in, eat breakfast and stay for the meeting.  I usually text Adam and let him know how the weigh in went, read the weekly hand out and read my book for a little while before the meeting starts.

After the meeting, I go do laundry, and come home.

Ok, well, it's not really that exciting, but it's nice to not have to be out huffing and puffing my way around the complex to get my 5K training in.

The only thing that I would like to have to do instead is to have to work all that around a job.  (I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week :-(... which is why there are now ads on this site, I earned a whole penny the other day!)

So, aaaaanywaaaay, even though I love the biking and the running and the crazy schedule I have set out for myself, it's nice spending a whole day without giving my sebaceous glands a work out.

A whole day of being dry, and smelling nice. Aaaaaaahhhhhh!

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