I have been a little disgruntled with Blogspot's stats, even though I've only been using their stats for a week. So, I installed
StatCounter, which has more specificity in it's traffic counting and I like that a lot. There is a chart that shows page loads, unique views and return visitors - that's awesome! And I can look at a map that tells me where-ish my readers are - Hi
Cat With Glasses! - and I LOVE that! But here is what confuses me: the chart says that I had 3 return visitors on Thursday, 10 on Friday and 3 so far today.

But when I look at the map thing and click on the pinpoints, only one of them says that it is a repeat visitor. And on another one it says 0 next to return visits, but in the description under Visit Length it says: "Multiple visits spread over more than one day" So wouldn't that fall under return visitor?
I'm so confused.....
....but the chart colors are pretty!
I have no explanation for that either! I love stats, I used to use Google Analytics when I still had a blog on Blogspot, but you can't have it on Wordpress so I've had to settle for their own stats thing. I do like it and it's very practical, but I miss being able to see where on earth my visitors are coming from :(
@Katri I had a lot of problems with Analytics and so I added StatCounter. And with the exception of my confusion, I love the specificity. I just don't know which of the 3 points in Finland is you! (Not that I'm trying to be a creeper/stalker! I'm just jealous you live in Europe)
Nothing wrong with a bit of internet stalking! Good to know you've already got a stable fanbase in Finland ;)
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