Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whose Responsibility Is It?

*NOTE* I hesitated to post this, because I don't want to get more involved in this than I have to.  But someone has to give those who can't speak for themselves a voice.

When does the responsibility of protecting an innocent child move from the parents to the village?

How many 911 calls does it take before the police can call CPS?

When do you draw the line?

How do you protect yourself and help the victims?

Especially when the victim refuses help?

If either party moves, it doesn't stop the circle.  It keeps perpetuating.

But I want to move.  If I have to drive from Lansing to Mount Pleasant all the time, I will be more than happy to do that - to get out of here.  I cannot keep listening to them fight.  I cannot keep hearing this circle of violence.  A screaming woman, a crying child.

We call the police, she sends them away.

It takes me 20 minutes to calm down after I call 911 for her.

We complain to the complex, and of course that does no good.

We can't sublet, we can't break our lease without $$$$$$ that we don't have and we can't keep living here under these conditions.

I don't feel safe in my own home.  And I'm not the one being beaten. 

I don't want to live here anymore.


Domestic violence is a serious problem.  If you or someone you know are suffering from this and don't know where to turn, there is help available.

Services by State

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-787-3224 (TTY For The Deaf)

There's also 9-1-1.  And if someone calls it for you, don't turn the police away.

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