Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful (a little late)

I am thankful for a lot this year, my mom still being here, and the rest of my family and my still semi-new in-law family.

For my amazing friends who I love so much. (Who I get to see a few of today!!)

For this wonderful tiny house that got us out of a bad place, in more than one way.  And we have wonderful landlords who have been so great.  Including leaving a bottle of bubbly in the fridge with a note welcoming us home on the day we moved in.

I am thankful for Weight Watchers.  Yes, Weight Watchers.  I have learned so much by going to those meetings.  And there is something oddly comforting to going to meetings with people who are fighting the same demons that I am.  And, with everything that I have learned since March 2010, I have lost 36.2 lbs.  Today's Weigh-in not withstanding.  I love to stare at the chart of my weight loss.  It's so pretty!  And I love the diagonal line going doooooooooown to the right! :D

I am thankful for the place I am in my life right now.  I have a job, I have a wonderful family, friends and the best, most supportive husband in the world.  I have a smart, adorable but needy dog.  I have a house that I was able to decorate for Christmas yesterday! I have my health and food on the table.

And it's still looking up, even with Student Loans coming due!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Jensens and Tesla!

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