Saturday, April 9, 2011

Important Announcement involving

I read a blogger named Katri from The Cat With Glasses who follows a woman named Amber who styles herself the Shoeperwoman.  She has been actively blogging as Shoeperwoman for a little over two years and has had the domain since 2008.

Now Amber, has run into a problem with another woman named Laura who has knowingly registered Shoeperwoman with and has now been trying essentially un-do all the work that Amber and her husband have been working for.  I really hope that this never happens to me, but I also don't anticipate this blog actually being more than an outlet for me.  You know never know, though, so please go give Shoeper Woman some love and read the full scope of the problem.


Anonymous said...

Hey girlie.
I am just commenting to let you know that I am going to start reading your blog again. Sorry about the whole hiatus from that. You're lovely.

Unknown said...

@mrhatz No worries, I only just started writing again, now that Mom's home from the hospital.